
Circuit Rider – St. Catherine’s Hospital & Maternity

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects demand consistent operations and maintenance efforts. To uphold the operational efficiency and sustained benefits of the WASH upgrades at the St. Catherine’s Hospital & Maternity in Nigeria, a water specialist is scheduled to visit. Their task is to carry out essential work, ensuring that all equipment remains fully functional. […]

Circuit Rider – St. Catherine’s Hospital & Maternity Leer más »

WASH St. Joseph Hospital

The overarching objective of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) project is to enhance the health outcomes of both patients and the local community. This will be achieved by ensuring access to clean water through the installation of a borehole, upgrading toilet facilities to include disability-accessible options, implementing proper disposal methods for infectious waste and

WASH St. Joseph Hospital Leer más »

WASH and Facilities Updates at Rosalie Rendu Hospital

The primary goal of the project is to provide access to clean water and improved sanitation facilities in the Rosalie Rendu Hospital, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for expectant mothers and other patients and the entire community, thus addressing the identified need for clean water and a safe environment in the healthcare setting. Goal

WASH and Facilities Updates at Rosalie Rendu Hospital Leer más »

WASH de la escuela St. Mary Magdalene

Actualizar el sistema de agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH) en la guardería y escuela primaria St. Mary Magdalene brindará a los estudiantes un acceso limpio, seguro y fácil al agua en el albergue de la escuela, lo que permitirá mejores prácticas de salud e higiene y otorgará a los estudiantes más tiempo para centrarse en la educación en lugar de ir a buscar agua. Proyecto Meta $8,500

WASH de la escuela St. Mary Magdalene Leer más »