Fuel for DREAM Outreach – Masanga

Project Description

DREAM Centre, Masanga is located in a hilly rural area, where most people live in very scattered settlements. These settlements makes it difficult for patients to access healthcare services on time, as required.
There remains a large need to have mobile clinics and home-based care services available to support patients whom, due to either financial constraints or deteriorating health, are unable to access the hospital. Without these provisions and services, many lives will be lost.
DREAM Masanga has consistently faced the challenge of bed ridden clients who need home-based care services, and it’s critical to continue to get the basic medical services to them.
This outreach program is an integral component of HIV care and treatment services. In the treatment process, there are various circumstances that require us to take services closer to the clients or at their homes. Such services include HBC, Mobile DREAM clinics, tracing of clients who missed appointments, HIV index testing and mobile HIV testing services.



Funds Raised



Area of Interest
